Wednesday, August 29, 2007

We Have a Tentative Agreement!

The bargaining team for Unit 18 is pleased to announce that UC-AFT has come to a tentative agreement with the University in this round of re-opener bargaining. The bargaining team unanimously endorses this tentative agreement. The key elements are the following:

Major Gains


Guaranteed 3% salary increase for each of the next three years, which is more than Senate faculty are guaranteed.

Substantial salary increases for long-term lecturers, those with more than ten years of UC service. Some will be getting over 25% to resolve salary compression. This is in addition to any merit increases that will be awarded during the period.

Average total salary increase over the next three years for continuing appointments will be just over 15%. Any merits received will increase this amount by at least 5%.

A new minimum for all lecturers, effective in October 2007, of over 42,000.

Increase of minimum merits to 5%, from 3.8%.

Commitment to address the social security problem for lecturers with less than 50% appointments.

Substantial salary increases for UCLA SEEDS teachers.


A new course load maximum of 8 courses for lecturers who teach writing and foreign languages on the quarter campuses.

Elimination of “second section discounts”

New processes for reducing workload and giving credit for the work lecturers do outside of the classroom.

A new system-wide grievance process for workload disputes.

What We Didn’t Get


12-year and 19-year minimum salaries

Parity with Senate Faculty on special salary increases


Automatic Sabbatical leaves

Universal course load reduction.

Neutral third-party arbitration on all workload disputes

Paid release time for Union Stewards


hammer said...

I haven't read all the details, but the highlights are fantastic. Ben and Karen have done an amazing job here, and I offer them my most heartfelt congratulations. We may have an NSF situation that is now viable, and considering the swelling numbers in the NSF, I think this feat is most important.

Unknown said...

It's wonderful news and a significant victory for our union and all of our members! Many thanks to our bargaining team!

anxious@uc said...

It looks like a good contract, but the devil is in the details.

As you all know, it is typical for lecturers to be hired in the pre-6 years on an occasional and often highly restricted basis. One consequence is that lecturers may languish in those years, not accruing official service credit. I reached my "sixth year review" after being at the university for twelve years and having accrued four years of service credit.

I am now in my second post six review cycle with eight years of service credit.

There are pre-six lecturers already at my salary step.

I make these points to indicate that if I am not eligible for the increases going to those with 10+ years of service, then this contract will only compound the problem.

Those at the bottom of the salary scale will receive a justified increase; those with 10+ years as well.

As for me? 15% is generous, but does nothing to resolve the issue of salary compression in my case and in fact will only make it that much worse.

Ben Harder said...

The salary changes don't depend on service credit, but on the number of quarters or semesters you have taught. You should be elegible for the 10% adjustment plus the 9% COLA, for a total of 19%.

anxious@uc said...

Even though semesters are counted, I'm not much better off. I'm currently in my 18th semester of teaching.

For many years, given the restrictions on my hire at UC, I taught on a parallel track, Fall Freshman Program; I was a UC Extension employee, teaching the same courses I do now, only without service credit. I presume I am not allowed to count those years.

Am I eligible for an increase beyond the COLA?

Ben Harder said...

I do not think that extension courses will count. All of the semesters you taught in a regular UC classroom at your current campus will count. If you have taught 14 semesters on one campus, you'll get 2.5% above COLA. If you have taught 21 semesters on one campus (as of JUNE 2008), you'll get more, depending on what your annual salry would be if you taught full time.